What is a digital E-Signature?
Our Digital e-Signature is the fast, reliable way to electronically sign documents and agreements on practically any device from almost anywhere in the world! This is done safely due to the built-in security features and the processes that e-signatures provide. Its main purpose is to provide a way for you to complete forms and sign important documents, such as loan agreements in a quick and productive manner without ever having to come into the office. Essentially, members can now sign for and collect a loan without ever having to come into our offices.
How do I use this service?
- Apply for a loan online via Member’s Area.
- You can upload loan requirement documents from your mobile device in pdf format
- When application detail has been received, a Lending Officer will contact you to discuss the application
- If loan is approved, Loan credit agreement documents are uploaded by Credit Union to your secure Member area for digital e-signature and automatic return
- Member will receive a push notification on the app to review and sign documents uploaded to the “documents to be signed” area
- Enter your password and generate one time pass code to e-sign the credit agreement
- Loan funds will be directed to your account of choice
- Loan Documents are retained in your Members Area for reference
- All loan applications utilising our digital e-Signature are subject to same terms & conditions as hard copy applications
To be eligible to use the Digital e-Signature facility;
- You must be registered for online banking with Bishopstown Credit Union.
- The loan application must be on a single account.
- A guarantor must not be required for loan approval.
Benefits of using our Digital e-Signature;
- It is a simple, convenient and fast process.
- It is accessible via a laptop or PC.
- Every stage of the digital e-Signature facility is highly secured by end-to-end encryption.